Rounak Deogharia

Hey! It's Rounak

Web-Developer || UI/UX Developer ||

Android Developer || Blogger

Technical Skills

I'm a full-stack web designer recorded with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, PHP, NodeJS, ReactJS and ES6 additionally fit for structuring responsive pages broadening my insight towards dialects comparising of C, C++, Java and Python. Android application advancement augments the rundown of my aptitudes one dimension higher. I accept that an interactive page is the best case of an ideal site page.

Individual Skills

One can be an extremely decent engineer however correspondence turns into a central point over yonder. I'm an understudy outfitted with a decent aptitude of correspondence climate in my native language Bengali or in Hindi or in English. I love to play cricket and badminton and plan for long excursions. I'm a sort of apathetic individual who likes to discover alternate route to complete a bit of work inside a limited ability to focus time.